Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Judy Brownoff from the Saanich Municipality came to talk to our class about integrating sustainability into municipal and community plans. This municipality has created a plan called the Sustainable Saanich Official Community Plan from the Saanich Municipality website.

This community has made a plan to include sustainaible initiatives within the community, as well as committing to the Climate Action Charter. The Climate Action Charter which has been in response to the BC Legislation called Bill 44-2007. Saanich hopes to reduce their greenhouse gases by 10% in the year 2010 in all municipally owned buildings etc.

I found Judy's talk enlightening because she spoke of her passion in sustainable initiatives but also talked about the fact that it is hard to change peoples minds about its importance. She talked about how it is important to explain to people that it may not currently be a normal way of life to change ways of building and getting around in a sustainable fashion, but that eventually people come to understand and act.... most of the time ;-) She also talked about how it is so slow when trying to convert representatives on council to become aware of the importance in spending time and money to these initiatives. I think if I were in her place I would get frustrated very quickly, but she seems to have a great attitude about the time and her ability in changing peoples minds.

Saanich Municipality Website: http://www.gov.saanich.bc.ca/business/development/plan/pdfs/apr2308ocpenvsect4.pdf

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